Performing Rights:
Performing Rights belong to the person or people who own the music. That’s music composers, lyricists or music publishers who wrote, created or produced it. They earn royalties when the music is either performed in public, or broadcast on mediums such as TV or radio. And even when it’s used in a telephone message service or played in an elevator - SAMRO makes sure that playback time is payback time.
Mechanical Rights:
'Mechanical Rights' is a fancy name for the royalties that composers, lyrists and music publishers earn when their music is copied and transformed into mediums such as cassettes, CDs, DVDs, MP3s – even ringtones – for public use. In other words when it is reproduced by a device or machine.
Music Creators trust SAMRO to manage these rights for them. We license your tracks and collect fees from Music Users including radio stations and advertising agencies, DJ’s and anyone who makes copies, cover versions, compilation CDs or when it’s made available for legal download on the internet. SAMRO makes sure playback time is payback time for Music Creators.
Needletime Rights:
Needletime Rights make sure performers and Recording Artists get paid when their music is played in public. These are the people who were in the studio playing the instruments, or singing the lyrics when the recording was made.
Even if they didn’t write the song or the lyrics, their talent contributed to the final product. So they should get paid any time the song is played on the radio or anywhere else in public for that matter.
As long as they contributed to a recorded performance that was captured on CD, tape, MP3 or any other recording device, Recording Artists have Needletime Rights over that recording.